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Category: Projects

Deloitte Resource Guide

Deloitte Resource Guide

Creating a printable resource guide as a coordinating piece for the Deloitte LinkedIn Veterans Best Practices guide that we created.

Lucky Dog Construction

Creating a sell sheet leave-behind for Lucky Dog Construction to match their presentation that we designed.
Johnson & Johnson

Johnson & Johnson

Creating a report on Project Ruby for Johnson & Johnson to present internally.
Props 2 App Design


Creating the user interface and general app design for tech startup, Props2, out of Nashville, TN.

Talon Lodge

Creating custom email campaigns to further promote Talon Lodge.

Greenwave CBD

Creating a folded brochure for Greenwave CBD products.

Awl & Needle

Creating business cards for leather crafters Awl and Needle out of the Gray-Bruce area, Ontario.

Leslie & Ryan

Creating a beautiful coordinating wedding invitation set, photo book, and stickers for Leslie & Ryan’s wedding.

Imagine H2O

Creating an annual report in presentation format for Imagine H2O.